miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020


Stress is a common problem in the society. Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension, this problem can be long-lasting. When this situation happen the stress attack your nervous system causing irreparable damage. The purpose is this project is create a campaign to raise awereness of the problem: stress in college students.. Stress is a problem that has been presented correctly on our campus, and it is notorious as every time there are more and more students who do not know how to properly handle this state. This situation greatly affects different aspects of students' daily lives, makes learning processes more difficult, social development, and greatly affects the physical and mental health of those who present it in a destructive way. We developed this project in the city of Barranquilla, specifically at the Universidad del Norte. The community we work with were the undergraduate students of the aforementioned university.

Source: Sabater, 2019
The cause that we identify within this community are the following:
1. Procrastination,
2. Low motivation,
3. Bad time management,
4. Excessive academic load,
5. Intrafamily problems,
6. Tedious / not very dynamic classes,
7. Group work,
8. Performing exams,
9. Public speaking, and
10. Problems or conflicts with classmates and / or teachers.

Source: Rueda, August 18th, 2019
The reasons that motivated us to want to help solve this problem are:
1. We are part of the affected community.
2. It is known that academic stress is one of the factors related to the dropout of students from their programs.
3. This problem is related to mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and in tragic and extreme cases such as suicide.
4. Stress removes functionality from people, restricting their potential.

The positive effects we expect to have are:
1.Thanks to the fact that students know how to handle stress correctly, they can be developed in an integral way within the university campus.
2. The mental health of students will be less threatened.
3. The feeling of well-being perceived by students will be much greater.
4. Self-confidence will increase, as fears in normal situations such as public speaking will decraese.

Tips for managing university stress
1. Plan your activities!
2. Choose study strategies.
Source: Burns, 2020
3. Eat healthy at stable times.
Source: Amazon

4. Play sports or recreational activities.

5. Make yoga.

6. Seek help and share with others.

More information about stress in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcGyVTAoXEU
Burns, K. (2020). How to Make a Schedule. Ohio: WikiHow. Recovered from: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Schedule
Rueda, L. (August 18th, 2019). Estrés universitario: el gran gran problema de los estudiantes de esta generación. El País. Recovered from: https://www.elpais.com.co/educacion/estres-universitario-el-gran-gran-problema-de-los-estudiantes-de-esta-generacion.html

Sabater, V. (2019). Pérdida de memoria por estrés ¿en qué consiste?. Valencia: La Mente es Maravillosa. Recovered from: https://lamenteesmaravillosa.com/perdida-de-memoria-por-estres-en-que-consiste/